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CPL Teen Discord Server

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Your public library is now on Discord!

If you are a teen with a library card in Allegheny County and you are enrolled in grades 6-12, then you are welcome to join our library's private Discord server!
Discord is an awesome way to stay in touch with your friends and librarians, participate in virtual clubs and programs, get homework help and book recommendations, and find fun activities to keep boredom at bay.
Our library Discord server is called "Crafton Public Library Teen Lounge." Apply for an invite below; we'd love to see you there!

Keep reading for more information on Discord and how to get started!
Parents of Teens:
Learn more about Discord HERE!

Frequently asked Questions

Q. What is Discord?

A. Discord is a text, video, and voice-based chat app that allows you to communicate safely and securely with your friends. It started as a gaming chat app but can be used for much more than that!


Q. How do I sign up for the CPL Discord server?

A. Since we want this server to be for teens only, there are a few steps to getting started.​

  1. First, you will need to make a free account at If you need help getting started, check out this guide here.

  2. You can use Discord in your internet browser, but you can also download the mobile app (Android or iOS) or download the program to your computer (Windows or Mac) here.

  3. Fill out the Discord Application Form to join our server.
    You will need a library card and parental permission to join. If you do not have a library card yet, you may use a parent/legal guardian's card or apply for a temporary card of your own here.


  4. Once you submit the form, hold on tight and we will send you an email with an invitation link within 1-2 business days to the email provided on the form. Please note that the link is good for 1 use and will expire in 48 hours.

  5. Click the invitation link and that will take you to Discord. You may need to click on the Plus sign on the left hand side of the page and select "Join a Server." Copy & paste the invitation link and click "Join."

  6. Congratulations! You're in!

Q. Help! I'm in the server, but I can't post anything! What's going on?

A. We have a special process to verify users and make sure that only authorized users are using the server (not bots and spammers). We also want to make sure that everyone has read and agreed to our rules of conduct.

To access the full Discord server and post in the chat, you will need to read the information in the #read-this-first channel and follow the instructions from there to be granted permissions to view and post in the other channels. (Hint: it involves "reacting" to a particular post.)

Q. What kind of activities can I participate in on Discord?

A. Currently, we host two weekly programs on Discord — Teen Game Night on Tuesdays from 4-5 pm and our Teen Anime Club meets on Thursdays from 4-5 pm to stream anime and chat. There are also channels for general discussion, sharing music, your artwork, memes, writing prompts, book recommendations, library announcements, and more! There's something for everyone on our server. 

If you have any ideas for channels or activities you would like to see on our Discord server, you can drop it in the #suggestion-box channel, DM a librarian, or contact Mikayla at

Still have questions?

contact mikayla (Our Youth Services Librarian)

at wobrakm@einetwork.neT!

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